Hello, I’m Steve, a multi-disciplinary developer and designer with a focus on human computer interactions.
I’m solutions focused, creating effective outcomes based on research and testing that provide measurable improvements in usability.
I currently work at Paxport ltd, where I have a varied role designing and developing the front-end of a SaaS application for the travel industry.
Drop me an message if you’d likeĀ  get in touch.

Example Projects

Multi-Agenda Webapp

Design and build of a REACT webapp for Encore Media

Designing and building a REACT app to pull agenda data from multiple WordPress sites and present it as a combined interactive agenda system.


Interactive Floorplans

Design and Development of Interactive SVG Exhibition Plans

An online webapp visualising exhibitor data and helping the events team to manage an exhibition and visitors to navigate the show.


SAM Stress and anxiety management app

A UX & UI Case Study

Researching and protoyping an extension aimed at post graduate students for the University of West England’s SAM app.


Ticket Sales & Online Check-in

Design & Development of a Ticket Sales Platform

Creation of an online platform for selling event tickets, managing user data and handling onsite check-in.


Citrix Interactive Survey

UI Design and Development

Designing an building an interactive survey that works with the Citrix brand guidelines and can be used across a range of devices.